Message from the Registrar

Registrar Amos Masango, the long-standing editor of Pharmaciae, and a staunch supporter of the Go Green campaign, is proud to present this, the first e-publication of the pharmacy journal that has become a hot favourite with the profession. He reflects briefly on 2014, and expresses his confidence in overcoming the challenges in the years ahead under the guidance of the new council.


Message from the President

Prof Mano Chetty took over the reins of President of Council when the new council was announced in February this year. The council wasted no time in settling into their new roles, and President Chetty gives a brief overview of the uppermost issues they are determined to tackle in the coming year.


Online applications MANDATORY

One of Council’s primary strategies is to adopt a Go Green approach in the way it conducts business undertakings. One way this is being achieved (and saving trees in the process!) is through automating everyday business processes. Online applications for tutor approval, internship, community service pharmacists, and pharmacists upon completion of CSP are mandatory from 2015.


Professional Conduct & Legal Update

Being on the wrong side of the law can be extremely stressful for all concerned. Do the right thing and ensure that your conduct is professional and legally compliant. The focus of our regular Professional Conduct & Legal Update is on pharmacy support staff. You should be familiar with the different scopes of practice and their registration status.
