immunisation and injection techniques courses

Recording of immunisation and injection techniques courses and validity of certain courses

Registered persons currently undergoing immunisation and injection techniques courses not accredited by the South African Pharmacy Council have until 31 December 2022 to complete and record these. For courses completed after 31 December 2022, Council will only accept Immunisation and Injection Techniques supplementary training certificates issued by accredited providers. In this article, we unpack the implications of Board Notice 241 of 2022 on the recording of immunisation courses.

The South African Pharmacy Council (hereafter “Council”) published the accreditation criteria for Immunisation and Injection Techniques courses through Board Notice 241 of 2022, following collaboration and consultation with providers of pharmacy education and the profession at large.

Deadline for pharmacists to complete unaccredited Immunisation and Injection Techniques courses

Council has since accredited providers to deliver the Immunisation and Injection Techniques course in line with the relevant accreditation criteria and competency standards. As such, we wish to advise the profession that the deadline for pharmacists to complete unaccredited courses for the purposes of recording such with the Council has been extended to 31 December 2022. Therefore, we wish to advise the profession that pharmacists already enrolled with providers of immunisation and injection techniques courses not registered/accredited with Council have until 31 December 2022 to complete and record their courses/certificates with Council.

What happens after 31 December 2022

Effective from 1 January 2023, Council will only accept Immunisation and Injection Techniques supplementary training certificates issued by accredited providers of the Immunisation and Injection Techniques course for recording, to enable registered persons to apply for Section 22A(15) permits.

Accredited providers for Immunisation and Injection Techniques course

Please note that, as at November 2022, the following providers are accredited with Council to offer the Immunisation and Injection Techniques course:

  • Nelson Mandela University
  • Health Sciences Academy

Recording a supplementary training certificate

The process for recording a supplementary training certificate remains unchanged; i.e., certificates from accredited providers should first be recorded with Council, once Council issues a recording certificate the pharmacist may then apply to the Director-General: Health for a Section 22A(15) permit, and once the Director-General issues the permit, the pharmacist must then record such permit with Council.

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