e-Vol 11 No 2 (Dec 2024)

Message from the President

In reviewing 2024, the President of Council, Mr Mogologolo Phasha, reflects that despite a changing landscape, the pharmacy profession of South Africa remains a strong and resilient pillar of healthcare in the country, and he looks forward to advancing the profession and healthcare in South Africa in the year...

Message from the Registrar

As we present e-Pharmaciae Volume 11, Issue 2, the newly appointed 25-member Council embarked on the first year of its five-year term. In this edition, the Registrar/CEO of the South African Pharmacy Council reflects on key milestones achieved during the year and addresses noteworthy operational matters.

Council decisions (Feb, May & July)

As the regulatory body of the pharmacy profession in South Africa, the South African Pharmacy Council takes its responsibilities very seriously. In each edition of the e-Pharmaciae we highlight important decisions made by the Council in the recent past.

What’s New in Legislation

Legislation having an impact on Pharmacy and the practice environment is continuously updated in response to changing the environment and other factors. We endeavour to include all legislative amendments and new/proposed legislation in each issue of the e-Pharmaciae. This edition looks at the legislation published between April and July...

Fees payable to Council in 2025

Fees payable to Council have been adjusted by 2.8% for 2025 and a schedule of fees is available within the Fees Regulations on the Council website, alternatively, the regulations may be downloaded by clicking here.

Perverse Incentives

Everybody loves a free lunch! But when it comes to business, is there really such a thing? Have you ever been approached and offered something in return for something else? For example, have you ever been promised a gift (free lunch, physical gift, or even money) in return for...

Medicine Misuse: Codeine

The continuous misuse and abuse of codeine-containing medicines remains a cause of great concern for the profession as many of the perpetrators and victims of this misuse are the youth of this country. The normalisation of this misuse in popular culture and the subliminal endorsement by public figures has...

Chasing the CPD Deadline

Each year and by 31 December, registered pharmacists are required to record and submit at least six (6) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) entries. These CPD entries should reflect activities in which a pharmacist has acquired knowledge and/or skills, which activities may include seminars, training courses and/or journal articles read...

2024 Examination results

2024 has been a busy year for Pharmacist Interns and Pharmacy Support Personnel with the pre-registration examinations, External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) for Pharmacist’s Assistants (Basic) and professional examinations for foreign-qualified persons.

Scope of Practice

As custodians of medicine, pharmacy professionals are expected to be highly responsible people. The various levels of responsibility for each of the pharmacy professional levels are outlined clearly in the legislation.

Pre-May 2003 pharmacy licensing

In terms of Section 22 of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974, under the title “Licensing of pharmacies”, and in particular Section 22(9), a person registered to carry on the business of a pharmacy at the commencement of this section shall be deemed to be licensed in terms of...

Customer Feedback Survey

As part of our commitment to delivering exceptional service and continuously improving our operations, the SAPC is pleased to announce the launch of its Customer Feedback Survey. This initiative underscores our dedication to meeting the needs of our stakeholders with the highest standards of professionalism.

Appointments and Promotions

The South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) is happy to present to the profession eight (8) newly appointed and promoted employees, who have undergone a rigorous selection process. They bring with them a diversity of skills, experience and capabilities to help the SAPC fulfil its legislative mandate.

Approved Providers and Courses

Members of the public and the profession are advised that, as at October 2024, the below list comprises of the only approved providers of pharmacy education and training, and the courses approved/accredited by the South African Pharmacy Council.

CFI Findings

Council robustly guards the public’s right to quality pharmaceutical services, while upholding the good image of the pharmacy profession, by investigating alleged unprofessional conduct by registered persons and bringing disciplinary processes against those found to be endangering public health and/or bringing into disrepute the good name of the pharmacy...

registered assessors

This is the most current and updated list of registered assessors and moderators, published on 9 Dec 2024. All previous versions of the list are now considered outdated. Please refer to this list exclusively to ensure you are using the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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