September was Pharmacy Month

Pharmacy Month is observed annually in September to raise awareness of the care and services members of the public may access from pharmacies across communities throughout the country. In 2023, Pharmacy Month was observed under the theme “Pharmacy United in Promoting Healthcare for Patients”; preliminary analysis indicates that Pharmacy Month messages received 192 497 255 impressions across various channels.

The Pharmacy Month awareness programme for 2023 was rolled out throughout South Africa during September 2023, with several outreach activities as well as media and social media communication being undertaken by the profession and the various partner organisations throughout the month. 

Pharmacy Month presents a unique opportunity to market the pharmacy profession, bringing together pharmacists from all sectors to communicate to the public the value that the profession brings in providing quality health care. 

Observed under the theme “Pharmacy United in Promoting Healthcare for Patients”, the Pharmacy Month programme also boasted awareness creation material comprising a poster and pamphlet made available in twelve languages spoken in South Africa. For the first time, the posters and pamphlets were also translated into languages spoken by the Khoi and San communities in Southern Africa.

SAPC - Pharmaciae - eVol.10 No.1 (Oct 2023)
SAPC - Pharmaciae - eVol.10 No.1 (Oct 2023)

To support the profession and promote dialogue around the Pharmacy Month theme, the South African Pharmacy Council, together with the Department of Health, Independent Community Pharmacy Association and Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, hosted a webinar exploring the Pharmacy Month 2023 theme and how pharmacy professionals (Pharmacists, Pharmacy Support Personnel) can contribute towards increased awareness of Pharmacy Month 2023 by patients and communities across South Africa.

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