The 2022 Annual Report and financial statements are now available
The South African Pharmacy Council announces yet another unqualified audit opinion from its external auditors for the 2022 financial year. We also wish to alert stakeholders that the 2022 Annual Report and audited financial statements are now available on Council’s website.
The South African Pharmacy Council (hereafter “Council”) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Annual Report and the audited financial statements are now available. We are also thrilled to inform the profession and all stakeholders that Council has attained yet another unqualified audit opinion from its external auditors, MNB Chartered Accountants. This is the fourteenth consecutive unqualified audit opinion.
How to access the annual report and the audited financial statements
The total volume of successful registration applications processed by the Office of the Registrar increased by 19,8% year-on-year, from 10 401 in 2021 to 12 464 in 2022.
A large number of new applications was from Learners (Basic and Post-Basic Pharmacist’s Assistants) at 3 357 (or 26,9%). These were followed by Qualified Basic and Post-Basic Pharmacist’s Assistants (2 179 or 17,5%), Tutors (1 916 or 15,4%), Responsible Pharmacists (1 266 or 10,2%), Pharmacy Students (1 036 or 8,3%), Pharmacist Interns (951 or 7,6%), Community Service Pharmacists (851 or 6,8%), and Pharmacists After Community Service (840 or 6,7%). Applications from Pharmacy Technicians (PT), PT Trainees, Assessors and Moderators collectively amounted to 0,6% (68) of all new registrations in 2022. As at the end of 2022, there were 17 702 pharmacists, including community service pharmacists, and 19 309 Pharmacist’s Assistants, including Pharmacy Technicians registered in on the Post-Basic level, on Council’s consolidated register.
Recording of premises and training premises approval
Council recorded a total of 730 licences issued by the Director-General: Health in 2022. By the end of 2022, 717 premises were approved for the training of Pharmacist Interns and pharmacy support personnel.
In pursuit of Council’s objects as spelt out in Section 3, sub-sections (c), (d), and (g), more than 2 053 premises inspections were conducted throughout the country in 2022. The national rate of compliance to Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) as measured through the achievement of Grades A & B inspection outcomes declined 7% year-on-year, from 77,4% in 2021 to 70,4% in 2022, with 1 377 and 68 pharmacy facilities achieving Grade A and B inspection outcomes respectively.